
Federation of Chambers of Commerce warns of negative repercussions of US sanctions against Houthi merchants

Economy| 7 March, 2025 - 11:01 PM

Sana'a: Yemen Youth Net


The General Federation of Chambers of Commerce in Sana'a, which is under Houthi control, warned of widespread negative effects on the movement of imports and food and basic commodities.

The union said in a statement issued on Friday that the sanctions imposed on Ali Al-Hadi, head of the Chamber of Commerce in the capital, the largest Yemeni chamber of commerce, will have disastrous effects on the import movement, especially food, medicine and basic commodities.

The union warned that the classifications, in reference to the United States' classification of the Houthi militia as a foreign terrorist organization, and the sanctions on economic figures, would have disastrous consequences.

The statement claimed that the Houthi designation as a foreign terrorist organization is a designation of the Yemeni people. The statement also claimed that Ali al-Hadi was appointed to the Chamber of Commerce in the capital Sana'a in a legal manner, despite his appointment by the Houthi Ministry of Commerce and his storming of the Chamber of Commerce by force two years ago.

The General Union statement referred to Ali Al-Hadi's visit to Russia, which "Yemeni Youth Net" was the first to report about, to buy weapons at the time, for the purpose of wheat trade.

"Yemeni Youth Net" had previously published about Ali al-Hadi's visit to Russia to import Russian weapons, according to sources close to al-Hadi himself. The US Treasury took the import of Russian weapons to the Houthis as a justification for imposing sanctions on him.

The US Treasury imposed sanctions on seven Houthi leaders, including Ali al-Hadi, two days ago, as part of an American move aimed at drying up the Houthis’ financial resources.


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