
Within three months, the Ministry of Interior says it has arrested 38 suspects in various crimes in Socotra

Locals| 5 October, 2024 - 7:09 PM

Exclusive: Yemen Youth Net - Follow-ups


Hadiboh - Socotra

The Yemeni Ministry of Interior said today, Saturday, that it had arrested 38 suspects in 37 crimes recorded during the third quarter of this year in the Socotra Archipelago Governorate, with an arrest rate of 100 percent.

In a statement, it explained that the police forces detected 37 crimes and security incidents during the third quarter of the current year 2024 AD, with a detection rate of 100%, while 38 suspects were arrested in those crimes, with a detection rate of 100%.

She indicated that the number of victims in the crimes of the third quarter of this year was 38 people, two of whom were injured in those crimes.

Socotra Police confirmed that it referred 21 criminal cases to the Public Prosecution, suspended the procedures for 11 criminal cases, ended 3 cases with reconciliation and waiver by the victims, and two cases were referred to the competent authorities.

Socotra Police classified the crimes of the same period according to the Penal Code and criminal offences into 30 crimes against property, 6 crimes against persons and families, and one non-criminal incident.

These statistics indicate an increase in the rate of crimes recorded in the Socotra Archipelago Governorate, located on the Indian Ocean, after it remained far from recording any security crimes due to the lack of weapons among its citizens.

It is noteworthy that the Socotra Archipelago Governorate is under the control of the UAE-backed Transitional Council forces, and the latter is working to expand its influence on the island, using all means, including distributing weapons among citizens.

Human rights activists accuse the UAE of working to intensify its spy cells on the island through the Emirates Red Crescent Society, which it uses as a humanitarian cover to expand its influence on the island, amid widespread societal rejection.

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