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Ahmed Osman

February 11 is a comprehensive national goal and an immortal idea

Opinions| 11 February, 2025 - 5:24 PM

The February 11 Revolution is a deep-rooted popular revolution that was launched with sincerity and impartiality. Its goals are not private, partisan, or regional, but rather general for all the people of Yemen. It is a revolution that will not die and will withstand all hurricanes, and the days prove this fact to us every day.

Hence, the sons of February must be as big as the great nation, listen to the voice of the people, and work quietly to raise awareness. Victory in the battle of awareness is a safety valve and the gateway to great victory. They must work to remove the misconceptions and distorted facts that supported tools are trying to market by turning the facts upside down, repeating lies, and confirming illusions on the basis of “lie and then lie until you believe yourself and people believe you.”

Do not pay attention to side battles and do not listen to the discordant voices that attract disagreement and quarrels out of their personal grudges and complexes and love to ignite and start fires sometimes for sick motives and sometimes to serve a hostile agenda.

The duty of the February revolutionaries, who are a broad sector of this people that transcends partisan and small regional boundaries, is to focus on bringing together all spectrums and colors and keeping the glow of the Yemeni revolutions burning under the slogan “We are all resistance and we are all republicans.”

Popular revolutions are not limited to a time or region, but their goals and means are renewed and developed according to the requirements of national needs and the necessities of the stage. The slogan “We are all resistance” is an evolving slogan with a specific goal that puts all previous differences behind it and looks forward.

On the way, there are fellow travelers who unite in the goal whose most prominent title is restoring the state and restoring respect to the republic. It is a comprehensive national goal that liberates Yemen from an existential threat. Credibility means that everyone works toward achieving it and respects each other’s privacy and special occasions, if any.

Renewing the revolution and refining the spirit is the duty of the stage. This requires focusing on the goal, reducing differences, unifying sincere efforts, and overcoming the beneficiaries, opportunists, and mentally ill people who work to muddy the waters and swim in the mud.

It is everyone’s duty not to delve into small matters. Leave the small matters to the small ones, and they are many in colors and shapes that appear at first glance to be big, but when you hear them, they become dwarfed and Abu Hanifa extends them and does not care. Do not stop at them, for this is a waste of time for no benefit.

Let the hands continue to join together, the determination to be sharpened, and the arms united, for the road is winding and long, and the achievement is according to the will, and no right is lost behind it is a revolutionary people, a burning memory, a glowing spirit, and a will that knows neither despair nor defeat.

(From the author's page)

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