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Salah The Asbahi
February 11th Anniversary Inspiration to Break the Challenges of the Moment
Our Writers| 2 February, 2025 - 4:03 PM
February 11 has always been a comprehensive revolution whose ceiling is a dream of creating a real homeland free from the complexities of the past and the problems of the present. Its concept is renewed with the data of reality and the understanding of its dimensions and dangers. Its value is focused on restoring that dream and its intertwining with the challenges of the current moment; to set out towards the future and overcome the obstacles of division and signs of surrender to defeat, and to exploit all circumstances to create a state that is difficult to break, inspired by the goal of emerging from every crisis and overcoming every disappointment.
February's bias towards the republican system and its lofty principles in the first place, and its open and flexible horizon in political work and its pure national loyalty in the second place will make it a vital and giving idea, and its serious action will prevail in preserving the gains of its pivotal goals and practicing its collective activity according to the rule of political morality, developing national awareness and achieving comprehensive interests that include the various spectrums of the effective national forces striving to restore the republican ground in which everyone will enjoy the shadows of freedom, democracy and joint political work.
The reality of our Arab surroundings has proven to us that collective goals are destined for success, no matter how much effort is required to reach them. Our Yemeni reality is worthy and qualified to embrace a comprehensive national momentum that will resume its struggle and regain its political glow to form a sweeping wave of challenges and overcome failures, given that it has gained experience and knowledge in discovering its weak points, and its ability to adopt a new state of political awareness capable of rising without mistakes and overcoming without failure.
When February emerged as a popular revolution, it included various active forces in the scene, including parties, organizations, political components, organizational movements, elites, intellectuals, and broad masses, because this action brought about a convergence of demands, an understanding of grievances, and a distancing from the characteristics of extremism, cancellation, and marginalization, as these three characteristics constituted points of difference, discord, and dispersion. How much we need now to deny them and exclude their presence in order to create a transformation in the present and achieve the future, because the Yemeni demagogic nature requires us to choose the appropriate comprehensive political formula to contain our political presence and our national dreams. There is no other goal that deviates from the context of consensus, participation, and disavowal of the illusions of individualism, fanaticism, and closed bias.
If February was a revolution built on exposing mistakes, not to remain in their corridors, but to leave them behind and establish a new image that absorbs the existential risks facing the fate of a homeland that is drowning in confusion, and is fragmenting in its cocoon, and must be addressed before it is too late, and control and the ability to save it are lost, this matter requires us to bear a serious historical responsibility that we stand before and prevent us from falling into the abyss of collapse and the disappearance of a homeland that is fighting the fiercest internal dynastic enemy and obliterating its identity and its democratic political climate that is opposed to racism, political oppression and the suppression of freedoms.
Today, we all stand before a great and terrifying challenge that requires dissolving the fabricated internal challenges that were a stumbling block between us; so that the greater Imami challenge can devour us with all the details of our differences and swallow our republic as an idea and a reality until we sensed the weakness of our patriotism and the fragility of our loyalty to it, and the shallowness of our appreciation for its greatness and bliss, with which our fate, existence and dignity are linked as politicians and public, as a people and a state, as a tribe and a civil society. We have paid the price of our negligence and the price of our deviation from the act of true belonging to it. Therefore, restoring consideration to this essential republican path will represent an essential structure that guarantees our sound formation and our national awareness. February was keen to strengthen these ties between us and it, but we neglected to guide it to us. Now, we have learned the lesson and our awareness, thinking, struggle and ambition derive their movement from this path, considering it an indisputable red line as a fixed certainty and a firm belief.
Another fact that February included is that it did not target an existing authority in person, but rather targeted that patriarchal idolatrous pattern that has become widespread in the Yemeni reality politically, socially, culturally and ideologically, where it is necessary to adopt change and reject idolatry as a methodological idea that is valid in the patterns of political and social action, and to infuse new young forces that possess the will and determination as a basis for our acceptance of change as a method and not as a discourse so that there is no schizophrenia and stagnation, especially at this critical moment, as making room for a young leadership that has a clear national sense and an ardent awareness without complexes or loyalty except to the homeland will change the state of stagnation and flabbiness, and reduce the old age of the political struggle and make it an effective action on the ground and not a position reduced to a frozen rhetorical position.
Trusting in a new generation enlightened by different national visions is an important step in moving the stagnant waters in our political reality, activating the role of women and civil work and establishing a culture of diversity, difference and acceptance of others are all sound models that push towards creating a healthy state of national identity that embraces several spectrums far from extremism, cancellation and marginalization. The disappearance of these cultural patterns in political awareness will lead to a national action capable of breaking the law of danger and achieving its goals.
After more than a decade since the spark of February, we must realize the fact that we, as a people, are the ones who have the ability to make a change in reality, and we are responsible for removing the failure of the present and building the future. The more we shirk this task, the more we will be lost. Therefore, we must build modern data to bridge the gap, create a comprehensive national movement at the political, social and cultural levels, eradicate the roots of the dispersion of national forces, support their cohesion and unify their efforts by building a comprehensive state with a single national army and joint leadership, reform institutional work and manage resources and positions with transparency and credibility, and spare the country further weakness and collapse.
Relying on a true national awareness that senses the package of challenges facing us is capable of turning the tables on existing positions, overthrowing all partial projects, and thwarting the consolidation of our differences and contradictions in our political visions that aim to build a new Yemen subject to its goals, and eradicating the sources of conflict, quotas, and sharing influence and domination over land and positions. Leaving this circle will guarantee every political, social, or union component its position and goals, and we will get rid of targeting the other and distorting its image, and we will provide that energy to refute our historical enemy, and we will achieve a national victory with the capabilities of our consensus, cohesion, and loyalty to the cause of restoring the state as an institutional form and the republic as a system of government, and achieving liberation and deliverance from the Houthi militias that are tampering with our destiny and killing our existence.
The more we regain our confidence in our ability to change and overcome the paths of defeat and regret, the more we move towards achieving a step to correct the course. Just as February was a qualitative leap to demolish the volcano of complex problems and a unique adventure in drawing inspiration from the values and goals of September and October, and striving to continue on their path, so too should its thirteenth anniversary be inspired in collective thinking about ways to depart from this difficult reality in whose darkness we are languishing.
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