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How does Trump's mind work and what is the relationship between the Panama Canal and Gaza?

Opinions| 5 February, 2025 - 1:30 AM

When Trump said that American men died digging the Panama Canal, he was lying; the people who dug the canal and who died (about 3,500 people) were mostly from Caribbean countries, especially Barbados.

After the first ship passed through the Panama Canal in 1914, the United States took over the Canal Zone. What did it do to the indigenous people in that crowded area?

The indigenous people were removed from the Canal Zone, which was under American sovereignty, under the pretext of maintaining cleanliness. Note the use of the word "cleanliness" as a racist code word meaning that the people of the country were unclean because they were of colored skin. This cleanliness project was a cover for an ethnic cleansing operation, where the area was emptied of its people and the Americans replaced the Panamanians.

So, ethnic cleansing in Trump’s view is a necessity for sovereignty and control. All of this is going on in the “processor” of his mind.

Under Carter, the United States began joint management of the canal, and in 1997, it was handed over to the government of Panama and the country regained full sovereignty over it. It is important to know that Panama was originally part of Colombia, but the United States supported its secession from Colombia to ensure its control over the canal.

Today, Trump wants to take back the canal by force, claiming that the Chinese run it, even though the Panama Canal Authority, “like the Suez Canal Authority,” is responsible for operating it. The Chinese are present only through a company incorporated in Hong Kong, operating far from the canal zone.

Here comes the comparison with Gaza, as Trump sees the Iranian role and “terrorism” as similar to China’s role in Panama, and therefore Panama and Gaza must be controlled together.

It is not unlikely that Trump will consider entering Panama militarily, as Bush did when Noriega was ousted, to impose his control by force.

In Trump's mind, ideas are intertwined and wires are jumbled, as he sees ethnic cleansing and the use of force as legitimate tools to achieve economic interests and make "America great again."

This is how Trump's mind works.

*Quoted from the "X" platform

| Keywords: Gaza|Panama|Trump

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