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Reducing symptoms of depression.. 6 health benefits of daily walking
health| 16 December, 2024 - 11:41 PM

Many studies have confirmed the importance of daily walking in promoting health and supporting psychological and physical conditions. A Spanish study linked increasing the number of daily steps to reducing symptoms of depression in adults.
“Walking outdoors, even for a short time, is one of the most effective things we can do to improve our health,” George Salmon, spokesman for the Ramblers, a leading British walking charity, told The Telegraph.
According to Salmon and a number of other experts, there are 6 health benefits to daily walking, which are:
- Burn calories
Walking helps burn calories and lose weight, but the amount of calories burned by walking depends on several factors, including age, weight, height, gender, and walking speed. Therefore, some people may burn more calories than others despite walking the same distance.
- Reducing the risk of diabetes
A recent study has confirmed that walking at a speed of 3 km per hour or more can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by at least 15 percent.
- Promote heart health
There is a lot of scientific evidence that walking - like many other regular physical activities - has tremendous cardiovascular benefits.
A research paper published in the journal Current Opinion in Cardiology found that short walks are also good for heart health.
“Patients may experience short-term benefits from walking for short periods of time, such as improved fitness, blood pressure, and fat burning,” the study team said. “Longer-term benefits include reduced risk of coronary heart disease and mortality.”
Walking can also have an effect on cholesterol levels.
- Improving cognition in dementia patients
Walking can also help people with dementia. A 2022 study found that people over the age of 60 who walked daily significantly improved their cognitive health.
- Reduce the risk of cancer
A 2019 study from the American Cancer Society confirmed that moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, for two and a half to five hours each week reduces the risk of seven different types of cancer: colon, breast, kidney, liver, endometrial, myeloma, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
- improve mood
Many people say they feel a lot better in their mood after going for a walk.
According to a study conducted by the UK mental health charity Mind, a daily walk, even a short distance, reduces levels of depression and stress, especially if this walk is in a green environment.
Reduce symptoms of depression
A Spanish study has linked increasing the number of daily steps to reduced symptoms of depression in adults. Researchers from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, according to the study published Monday in the journal JAMA Network Open, explained the importance of daily physical activity, such as walking, as a potential protective factor against depression.
The study included an analysis of 33 observational studies that included data from 96,000 adults of different ages and backgrounds. The researchers found that increasing the number of daily steps was clearly associated with lower symptoms of depression, both in cross-sectional studies that measure the relationship at a specific moment, and in longitudinal studies that follow individuals over longer periods of time.
The results showed that simple physical activity, such as daily walking, may contribute to improving mental health and reducing the risk of depression. The researchers said that this study indicates that people can improve their mental health through simple and low-cost activity.
It also enhances our understanding of the role of daily physical exercise in improving mental quality of life and alleviating the psychological burden caused by depression, which is one of the most common mental disorders worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that 5 percent of adults around the world suffer from depression, which affects women more than men.
At the conclusion of the study, the researchers recommended conducting further future studies to clarify the preventive role of daily steps, and how to enhance their positive impact on mental health.
It is worth noting that depression is a common psychological disorder that affects mood, thinking and behavior, and causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in things that were previously enjoyable.
Depression can be accompanied by symptoms such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, decreased concentration, and even suicidal thoughts in severe cases. This disorder affects the individual's daily life, making it difficult for him to perform his personal and professional tasks.
Source: Middle East + American websites
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