- Leadership Council announces plan to normalize situation in Hadhramaut and calls for end to protests Union official: Houthi militia seeks to prepare new draft law for the press Minister of Education holds talks with his Qatari counterpart to mobilize support for developing education in Yemen For 6 months.. Washington eases sanctions imposed on Syria Hodeidah.. Houthi militia intensifies its hostile operations towards government forces’ positions north of Hays Mine Victims... Unforgotten Stories of Yemen's War Security chaos in Ibb.. deaths, injuries, gangs disturb public peace and target property
United States
Monday, 11 November, 2024 - 11:12 PM
Trump's Timing and the Mission to Stop the Killing
Since the announcement of the results of the US presidential election, the world has been living on the time of a man named Donald Trump. We have never witnessed such a scene before. The world did not hold its breath when Russia handed over the keys to the Kremlin at the beginning of the century to a mysterious man who came from the corridors of the KGB named Vladimir Putin, nor when Xi Jinping was crowned emperor on the throne of Mao Zedong’s country.
Friday, 8 November, 2024 - 11:29 PM
The Future of World War II Cold War
It was expected that the First World War would end in a Third World War to decide the fate of the world, as it was decided after the Second World War. But the total nuclear annihilation prevented that.