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Yasin Al Tamimi
To President Rashad Al-Alimi who is visiting Taiz
Opinions| 27 August, 2024 - 5:42 PM
No one disputes the historical importance of President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi's visit to the city of Taiz, in light of the stressful security situation due to the presence of the coup plotters and their camps on the outskirts of the city.
It is a very brave step and one of the president’s most important announced achievements so far, because such a visit does not represent the natural outcome of years of multi-party conspiracies that the city has been exposed to, to the extent that the conspirators have been able to turn it into a haven for the riffraff of the disbanded security services’ jihadists and the remnants of the rented Salafist legacy.
Those who targeted Taiz were determined to demonize it and make it exposed to its security and military enemies. They worked to neutralize its geopolitical role and demographic weight, to the point that the dirty local and regional electronic flies imagined that Taiz had no fighters and no one worthy of defending it.
This explains why some insisted on electing the Abu al-Abbas Brigades to play an absolute military and security role that would pave the way for the establishment of the “State of Ansar al-Sharia,” while another external will required military influence through Salafist units operating under the umbrella of the presidency in an equation that reflects a conflict of wills between the influential external players in Yemeni affairs.
Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi is visiting the city of Taiz today, and he has every right to be proud of this visit, as everyone around him believes in his role and appreciates it. They have witnessed their governorate contributing to building his role and his rise in the state ladder, starting from the governorate’s security director, passing through the high security positions in the Interior Ministry and the Council of Ministers, and reaching the position of president.
It is important to emphasize that this sincere popular support for the president is the result of a torrent of blood shed by the men of the popular resistance led by Sheikh Hamoud Saeed Al-Mikhlafi, a resistance that has transformed into professional units of the national army organized within the framework of the Taiz military axis, which is nominally and unjustly affiliated with the Fourth Transitional Military Region.
The army of teachers has performed great heroic deeds to secure freedom for the city of Taiz, and to secure this historic moment in which the scene of receiving President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi (the old Nasserite) is depicted, in a picture that reminds us of the celebrations that President Ibrahim Mohammed Al-Hamdi was keen to hold in Taiz Governorate, when thousands of the governorate’s people would flock to him in joy at his arrival, believing in his leadership and appreciating his honorable national ambitions.
President Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi moves with clear presidential weight in the two main wings of Yemen: Hadhramaut and Taiz, Hadhramaut with its geographical and demographic depth, and Taiz with its demographic weight.
And geographical importance, a move that is in harmony with Saudi trends, to act differently towards these two provinces, which are slipping very slowly from the hands of the fierce and competing regional player: the Emirates, supported by the United States of America, after frantic attempts to control the two provinces through the alleged war against windmills (terrorism) in Yemen.
The most important thing to focus on in Taiz is to free the visit from its tactical objectives, and to burden it with strategic objectives that are in harmony with the interests of the governorate and its people, and with the objectives of restoring the Yemeni state from the clutches of the sectarian coup plotters.
It is important for the president to leave the armored vehicle materially and morally, and to trust the capabilities of the people of the province to secure the province. However, this must be done by transferring the armored vehicles and weapons from the convoy to the fronts, which is one of the most important duties in order to restore the honor of the precious sacrifices made in defense of Taiz amidst the failure and conspiracies that have not stopped.
(From the author's page)
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