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Abdullah Shrouh
The Palestinian issue is more than a box of makeup
Our Writers| 6 August, 2024 - 5:38 PM
History tells us many things, including that Shiite wars are always directed toward the Islamic interior. They are not wars of “conquest,” nor do they seek to add new geography to the Islamic world. Rather, they are always wars of “reclaiming” what they see as their right at home. Iran is the country that represents the Shiites in our time and controls them, and the Shiites have handed over to it the right to leadership.
As for Israel, as one of them described it, it is “an American aircraft carrier planted in the heart of the Islamic world.” It is one of the guarantees of Western hegemony over what the West called the “Middle East,” including a declaration of hegemony based on making the West the center from which regions are determined according to their location.
Since the establishment of the new Iranian regime in the 1970s, Shiites from all Arab and Islamic countries began declaring complete loyalty to it. During the five decades of this regime, Iran was able, through its Shiite militias, to seize five Arab capitals.
Iran is keen not to appear completely immersed in sectarianism, and wants to neutralize as much of the anger as possible of the Sunni component, which statistics say, inaccurate of course, represents eighty percent of the total Islamic world, and the best way to do this is to take the lead in defending Palestine and resisting the Israeli occupation.
It took advantage of the failure of the Arab regimes to support the Palestinian resistance, and the recent haste of some of these regimes to normalize relations with Israel, and continued to provide support to “Hamas,” the Palestinian resistance movement with a Sunni faith. There is no better way than this to make Iran appear serious in its defense of the Palestinian cause, and to strip it of the sectarian sentiment it aims at. It has benefited to the maximum from Hamas leaders' repeated declarations that Iran supports them, thanking it for this on almost every occasion.
Throughout the eight decades of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the Palestinian issue has remained central to the Arab and Islamic conscience, and the horrific massacres carried out by the occupation since October 7th of last year, with the full support of the Western arsenal, have left the Arab and Islamic popular conscience in complete agitation and in a state of It is ideal to submit to the narrative that Iran supports the Palestinian resistance for the sake of Jerusalem itself, and that it is serious about that, and is free from any other purposes.
What has been happening in Gaza for months is a large fire, the smoke rising from which blurs the vision of many from seeing the fires that were caused, and are still being caused, by the Iranian regime in the region. The centrality of the Palestinian issue made some people forget the Iraqi issue, the Syrian issue, the Lebanese issue, and the Yemeni issue. These fires were ignited by the Iranian regime, causing huge losses to these peoples.
These peoples are now being asked by some of their elite to be grateful to Iran, and to fear for it from any strike directed at it by America, considering that the fall of the Iranian regime means the arena is devoid of any project that resists the Zionist project. Thus, in a clear acknowledgment, not based on any logic, that Iran is the deterrent. This is true in the face of the Israeli incursion and invasion, and without thinking also about the clear fact that shows us that the impact of the Iranian project on our Arab region is no less disastrous than the impact of the Israeli project, and also in complete “ignorance” of the fact that the Iranian regime, through its arms in the Arab countries, is one of the biggest factors. Which hindered the establishment of a significant Arab project.
What do I want to say from the above? Only that the Israeli ugliness will not make the face of the Iranian regime beautiful just because of Hamas’ statements that it provides it with support, and also that the Palestinian issue has always been the makeup box that every ugly regime returns to to cover its ugliness, and that many are deceived by that, but the ugliness soon returns and reveals itself in more detail. The formulas are horrific, and the Iranian regime is the ugliest face that has wanted to use the Palestinian issue to beautify it since its inception.
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