
Two brothers were killed by gunfire in Aden

Locals| 29 July, 2024 - 9:59 PM

Yemen Youth - Follow-ups


The temporary capital is Aden

Two brothers were killed, on Monday evening, by gunfire in a neighborhood in the Mansoura District, north of the interim capital, Aden, in the south of the country, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Transitional Council forces.

Eyewitnesses told "Yemen Shabab Net" that the two brothers, "Imad and Haidera Nasser Al-Battani", were killed by gunfire, behind the "Hejaz Mall" center in the Remi neighborhood, in the Mansoura District, north of the city.

They added that the gunman rode a motorcycle, called the two people and exchanged a conversation with them before a quarrel broke out between them, then he opened fire on them, killing them both, while the gunman fled.

The causes and reasons for the crime were not known, while the security services in Aden did not issue any clarification about the incident until the time of writing the news.

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