
Salaries for previous years are dropped.. Houthi militia is preparing a mechanism to pay half a salary that does not include all employees (document)

Political| 2 December, 2024 - 8:00 AM

Yemen Youth Net - Special


The Houthi militia announced that it had referred a draft law to the pro-Houthi House of Representatives, which has lost its legitimacy, to approve a temporary exceptional mechanism to pay half the salary to categories of employees in areas under its control, to be implemented next year, without specifying a specific date for that.

According to the proposed law, payrolls will not be relied upon in 2014, but rather according to a new mechanism prepared by the militia.

The draft law stipulates that the employees who will receive half of their salaries according to the exceptional mechanism are the limited group that received half of their salaries months ago, according to the lists of the unified system that the Houthis created after dropping tens of thousands and including his loyalists instead of them.

The proposed law also stipulates a differential disbursement for employees and dividing them into three categories: the first category receives its full salaries, which is Category (A), and includes senior officials in institutions such as the House of Representatives, the Shura Council, the government, and senior militia officials. Category (B), which is employees of institutions that do not have revenues, will be paid half a salary, and teachers will be the most prominent entity to receive half a salary. Category (C), which receives half a salary every three months, is employees of units that have revenues or operating expenses that are paid from the general government account, and the most prominent of these categories are teachers.

The Houthi draft law did not specify the identity of employees from categories B and C who will not receive their full salaries, and was satisfied with mentioning the first category.

The proposed law includes exonerating Al Houthi from responsibility for salaries of past years, and relies only on the last statement that they paid him half of his salary months ago.

The disbursement also does not include tens of thousands of employees who will be dismissed or retired after the merger between the institutions, according to what Al Houthi calls “radical change.”

The law is expected to spark widespread anger among public institutions and employees.


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