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Al-Houthi.. The last shot in the cannons of the Ayatollahs
Opinions| 30 December, 2024 - 6:45 PM
The regional silence that accompanies the tremendous developments that the region is experiencing has left a comfortable space for Iran to move tactically to save its project, which has suffered huge setbacks in its most important links: Hezbollah, the Syrian regime led by Assad, not to mention the pressures that its militias in Iraq are subjected to from the state, which has returned, as it seems, with a national lever after years of collapse.
The Iranian regime, in this space of emptiness, is trying to turn the fall into a leap, as the Yemeni proverb says, by following a double policy of deception:
-Containing defeats and appeasement on the fronts of defeat.
- Maximizing the confrontation on the remaining fronts, which he is still betting on using for maneuver.
1- On the one hand, he is calming the game in Lebanon, and asking Hezbollah to relax its muscles abroad, and to keep the red eye at home, and to accept the slaps and swallow the poison, in accordance with Khomeini’s saying, to preserve what keeps him present in the domestic scene and influential in it. At the same time, he is urging steps to normalize diplomatic relations with the new Damascus, and is feeding the march towards reopening his embassy in Damascus, as if he had not caused destruction in this country for many years. He is also asking his militias in Iraq to hold their breath while waiting for the results of the changes that the region will witness according to the guide’s predictions.
To consolidate this policy, which establishes another round of reviving the same project, we have witnessed successive speeches by the leaders of the Iranian regime, heralding instability in Syria, the latest of which was the interview with Foreign Minister Araghchi, who predicted comprehensive military confrontations in Syria. In the interview, he vowed to support the Houthis, mocking all regional and international efforts aimed at achieving peace in Yemen and sparing the region the disaster of military confrontation.
2- Here we come to the other front, the Houthi front, which the Iranian regime has kept burning. What it has stockpiled in the Houthi warehouses, stores, tunnels and caves of missiles and drones is enough to carry out the task of raising the morale of its collapsing arms by involving Yemen in the "deterrence" equation that concerns the Iranian regime alone; an equation in which Iran no longer dares to launch a single missile from its territory. As long as there is someone who takes on the task and bears the resulting devastation on its behalf, there is nothing wrong with continuing its dual policy while waiting for the changes to come.
Al-Houthi, who does not care about Yemen at all, is the last shot in the cannons of the Ayatollahs and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, who have begun to maneuver with him in an open operation, in what is known as psychological compensation for the serious damage suffered by the costly Iranian investment in a failed project, which was at the expense of the living standards of the Iranian people.
And so that the Iranian people do not wonder about the billions spent on this failed project, which caused more than two-thirds of the people to live below the poverty line, the regime has kept the Houthi front burning in that random manner that is intended to cover up the abject failure of this project. This is the front that Tel Aviv is working to employ today to convince the world that the dangers surrounding it put it in a permanent confrontation with this region that “produces nothing but violence and terrorism.”
The truth is that Iran, and the Houthis, realize that the march or the missile launched here or there towards the occupied territories does not affect the course of events in the slightest, as much as it provides justifications for Israel to continue the war and further destruction. Likewise, the Houthis, who destroyed Yemen, displaced and displaced its people, put them in prisons, and squandered the dignity of the Yemeni women who fell into their hands, and kidnapped the youth and hid them in prisons no less hideous than Sednaya, and threw them to burn in battles of revenge against Muawiyah and Aisha and the Republic, it is ridiculous for him to claim to be jealous of the dignity of the Palestinians, while it is nothing but a game whose pillars have been collapsing and revealing since the first day the truth of its essence is investing the resources of the Iranian people in a sectarian Hilali project that extends from Tehran through Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, and Sana’a, so that its circle is completed at a point on the Arabian Gulf to place the wealth and fate of the entire region in the grip of the Iranian mullahs’ regime. Then, Iran can bargain with the world and restore its role as a policeman guarding the gate of those coming to this region from The world, which I have always dreamed of and worked hard and by all means for.
The question that remains is one that we must stop to answer responsibly, and I have discussed it in previous articles, and it relates to the role that Iran is counting on the Houthis to make this dual policy a means of evasion while waiting for events to settle down, to then decide the next step.
It is clear from the statements made by the Iranian Foreign Minister that they will continue to support the Houthis, that they are committed to the aggressive approach towards Yemen and the region in general. This means that the Saudi-Iranian agreement, which stipulated following a peaceful approach that ensures stability in the region and non-interference in the internal affairs of any country, was blatantly violated by the Iranian regime with this statement, which is a blatant assault on all efforts made to achieve peace in Yemen and the region in general, although everyone realizes that the Iranian regime continued to support the Houthis with weapons.
This statement, in this blatant manner, means, among other things, that the Iranian regime’s choice has settled on transforming that part of Yemen that is in the grip of the Houthis into a military gathering center for Iran’s arms, a center that will form a hotbed of war in the region’s flank, and will be reinforced with the capabilities that were provided to the other fronts, and will be entrusted with the logistical tasks that Hezbollah was carrying out in Lebanon.
Given the seriousness of what the Iranian regime is seeking, it is necessary to discuss this issue in some detail to understand the factors on which achieving this depends:
1- The Iranian regime’s insistence on continuing its expansionist approach, and its assessment that the battle of its project has not ended yet, will enable the Houthis to become a logistical alternative to Hezbollah, at least for a temporary period, while waiting for events to unfold and for things to settle down.
2- The Houthis’ readiness to undertake this role, and the risks that this entails for Yemen and the interests of the Yemenis, and the destruction that the country will be exposed to as a result of carrying out the confrontation on behalf of the Iranian regime and in defense of its security and interests, including disrupting the chances of achieving peace, and the humanitarian disasters and serious social consequences that will result from this.
3- We do not believe that the countries of the region have not carefully read this policy that the Iranian regime will pursue in Yemen, but silence regarding it, and not confronting it openly in light of the agreements that have been reached with it, will provide the Iranian regime with a suitable environment to move forward in transforming the geography that is in the grip of the Houthis into an Iranian military center in the region’s flank, and with it all of Yemen will be exposed to chaos in the entire region.
4- The world that seeks to confront the danger of the Iranian regime to its security in Yemen is making a mistake twice: first, because it is confronting the tail and ignoring the head, which does not change the equation or resolve the battle. Second, because it is only destroying Yemeni facilities and capabilities, which are matters that neither the Houthis nor Iran care about. Therefore, confronting the dangers of the Iranian regime must expand to include the center, which is the main source of the data of the entire project system in its military, financial, and ideological forms, and to which the “fifth” of the Shiites in the world return to finance the tampering with the world’s security.
5- The steps that the legitimate government has recently taken towards strengthening the internal front with more military and economic measures and comprehensive reforms must be reflected in a comprehensive plan that everyone is dedicated to implementing, and whose focus is restoring the state through peace or war. We must realize that the word that the international community listens to with interest is the one that has a force behind it that supports it. In all cases, it is not enough for your word to express the truth. The world may sympathize with the truth, but it will only deal seriously with those who it feels are qualified to carry and protect this right.
(From the author's page)
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