
Taiz: About four thousand houses were damaged due to the war in the districts of Sala and Sabr Al Mawadim

Locals| 10 February, 2025 - 10:35 AM

Geneva: Yemen Youth Net


A recent international report revealed that about 4,000 homes in the districts of Sala and Sabr Al-Mawadim, east of the city of Taiz (south of western Yemen), were damaged as a result of the ongoing war in the country, calling for international support to rehabilitate those homes to facilitate the return of affected families.

A joint report by the Shelter Group and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said that damage to residential homes as a result of the ongoing conflict in the districts of Sala and Saber Al Mawadim in Taiz Governorate was assessed.

The report added that a total of 3,785 damaged homes were assessed, distributed as follows: (898 homes with minor damage, 2,293 homes with minor partial damage, 338 homes with major partial damage, 139 homes with major damage, and 117 homes completely destroyed).

According to the financial cost required for the damaged homes, the report divided the homes into three categories: (minor partial - major partial - severe), and estimated the estimated cost for the first category at $2,417, the second category at $4,457, and the third category at $6,384.

The report recommended giving priority to the rehabilitation of damaged houses in the category of “minor (partial) damage” to facilitate rapid recovery and reintegration of affected families, given that most of the houses assessed fall into this category. In addition, the report stressed the need to strengthen support mechanisms for returnees and other conflict-affected families, which may include financial assistance, housing assistance, and access to basic services.

The report indicated that the information collected during the assessment process revealed major challenges facing the affected communities, including: (lack of housing, rehabilitation needs, and access to basic services such as health care and education, which are essential for community recovery).

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