
She called for a correction of the actions of the UN envoy.. Yemeni parties declare their support for the decisions of the Central Bank and warn of the consequences of any retreat from them.

Political| 16 July, 2024 - 5:17 PM


Slogans of Yemeni parties

The Yemeni political parties announced their support for the decisions and actions taken by the Central Bank of Yemen, warning that any reversal of the decisions will have serious consequences on the legal status of the state.


In a statement, the parties affirmed their support for the Central Bank’s decisions to address the situation of the banking sector and monetary policy, combat money laundering and terrorist financing, and confront the Houthi militia’s attempts to undermine the banking sector and exploit it to enable it to control the national financial and economic capabilities to implement its terrorist agendas.


The political parties and forces saluted the state of national and societal consensus demonstrated by all national and social forces, and considered the state of popular rally around the decisions of the Central Bank and the support it received from the Presidential Leadership Council to have come as a popular referendum to confirm the legitimacy of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government in addition to the support it enjoys. Constitutional and consensual legitimacy.


It called on the various political and social components and forces to strengthen their cohesion and support the Central Bank and the Presidential Leadership Council to move forward with economic reforms, in a way that achieves the highest national interest and alleviates the suffering of citizens throughout Yemen.


The parties explained that the Yemeni authorities, with these decisions and procedures, restored respect to the state’s sovereignty by possessing independent economic decision-making, and with their recent decisions, they strengthened the state of internal and external confidence towards the institutions of legitimate authority, and their ability to survive and continue as a sovereign party that protects the interests of citizens, achieves the highest interests of the state, and deters militia abuses. Houthis on the legitimacy of the state and its sovereign decision.


It stressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and his Special Envoy to Yemen the necessity of adhering to Security Council resolutions, especially Resolution No. 2216 and Resolution No. 2451 regarding the Stockholm Agreement, working to implement them, not prejudice the legal status of the legitimate authority, and respecting the sovereign decisions issued by it, including decisions related to the Yemeni Banking Corporation.


The United Nations and its envoy called on not to submit any proposals that detract from the sovereign rights of state institutions, which would result in the Houthi militias carrying out looting and seizure of public and private property, including the property of banks and their depositors, and seizing state revenues in all areas, including port revenues. Hodeidah, in contravention of the Security Council resolution.


She expressed her hope that the Secretary-General of the United Nations would correct the actions of the UN envoy, which may violate Security Council resolutions, undermine the neutrality of the United Nations and encourage the Houthi militias to refuse to submit to peace and mock the Yemeni and international community.


The political parties and forces warned that any retreat from the decisions taken by the Central Bank and the Presidential Leadership Council will have dire consequences on the legal status of the state, and will not only mean depriving the state of its strategic sources of power, but also depriving the legitimate authority of its sources of constitutional, legal, political, popular, and moral legitimacy. And the country, the people and the authorities, are heading towards the unknown and the coup and war continue.


It also warned that reversing the decisions would leave harmful effects that may be difficult to remedy in the future.


The parties urged the Presidential Leadership Council to confront all pressures on the leadership of the Central Bank, which acceptance would lead to compromising the rights of Yemenis, weakening the legal and constitutional status of sovereign institutions, and enhancing the ability of the Houthi militias to control more resources that they will use in their war against the state. And its institutions.


It called on all political, social and union components to organize mass demonstrations and rallies in support of the decisions and procedures of the Central Bank of Yemen, and to reject any retreat from them in a way that reflects the state of cohesion between the masses and the sovereign state institutions.


The Yemeni political parties and forces condemned the oppressive and barbaric practices carried out by the terrorist Houthi militia against banks and banking companies and their employees, and attempts to seize them, impose royalties, and force them to work outside the framework of the law to carry out their illegal financial activities.



Statement text:


The Yemeni political parties and forces followed the developments of events on the national scene, especially in the economic field, and the state of national consensus among the various national and societal forces in supporting the decisions and procedures of the Central Bank of Yemen to address the situation of the banking sector and monetary policy, combat money laundering and terrorist financing, and confront the attempts of the Houthi militia to undermine the banking sector and exploit it to enable it to Controlling the national financial and economic capabilities to implement its terrorist agendas.


The state of popular mobilization around the decisions of the Central Bank and the support it received from the Presidential Leadership Council came as a popular referendum to confirm the legitimacy of the Presidential Leadership Council and the government, in addition to the constitutional and consensual legitimacy it enjoys.


The Yemeni authorities have restored respect to the state’s sovereignty by possessing independent economic decision-making and have strengthened, with their recent decisions, the state of internal and external confidence towards the institutions of legitimate authority and their ability to survive and continue as a sovereign party that protects the interests of citizens, achieves the highest interests of the state, and deters the Houthi militias’ transgressions against the legitimacy of the state and its sovereign decision.


The political parties and forces, while applauding the state of national and societal consensus demonstrated by all national and social forces, call upon the various political and social components and forces to strengthen their cohesion and support to the Central Bank and the Presidential Leadership Council to move forward with economic reforms, in a way that achieves the highest national interest and alleviates the suffering of citizens throughout Yemen.


The Yemeni parties call on the Secretary-General of the United Nations and his Special Envoy to Yemen to adhere to Security Council resolutions, especially Resolution No. 2216 and Resolution No. 2451 regarding the Stockholm Agreement, and to work to implement them, not to prejudice the legal status of the legitimate authority, to respect the sovereign decisions issued by it, including the decisions related to the Yemeni Banking Corporation, and not to submit... Any proposals that detract from the sovereign rights of state institutions, which will result in the Houthi militias looting and seizing public and private property, including the property of banks and their depositors, and seizing state revenues in all fields, including the revenues of the port of Hodeidah, in contravention of the Security Council resolution.


We hope that the Secretary-General of the United Nations will correct the actions of the UN envoy that may violate Security Council resolutions, undermine the neutrality of the United Nations, encourage the Houthi militias to refuse to submit to peace, and mock the Yemeni and international community.


The political parties and forces warn that any retreat from the decisions taken by the Central Bank and the Presidential Leadership Council will have serious consequences on the legal status of the state, and will not only mean depriving the state of its strategic sources of power, but also depriving the legitimate authority of its sources of constitutional and legal, political, popular and moral legitimacy. Taking the country, the people and the authorities, into the unknown, and the continuation of the coup and war, will leave harmful effects that may be difficult to remedy in the future. The Presidential Leadership Council must confront all the pressures on which the leadership of the Central Bank is exposed, which acceptance would lead to neglecting the rights of the Yemenis, weakening the legal and constitutional status of sovereign institutions, and strengthening... The ability of the Houthi militias to control more resources that they will use in their war against the state and its institutions.


The parties call on all political, social and union components to organize mass demonstrations and rallies in support of the decisions and actions of the Central Bank of Yemen and to reject any retreat from them, in a way that reflects the state of cohesion between the masses and the sovereign state institutions.



The political parties and forces condemn the oppressive and barbaric practices carried out by the terrorist Houthi militia against banks, banking companies and their employees, and attempts to seize them, impose royalties, and force them to work outside the framework of the law to carry out their illegal financial activities.


Issued by Yemeni political parties and forces:


- General People's Congress


- The Yemeni Islah Party


- The Yemeni Socialist Party


- The Nasserist Popular Unionist Organization


- Yemeni Rashad Union


- Ennahda Movement for Peaceful Change


- National Solidarity Party


- Union of Yemeni Popular Forces


- The Yemeni Unionist Gathering

- Peace and Development Party


- The Arab National Socialist Baath Party


- People's Democratic Party "Hashd"


July 15, 2024 AD

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