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Mohammed Jumeeh

The Arabs' interest is in a Syria free of Iranian militias

Opinions| 1 December, 2024 - 4:29 PM

Expelling Iranian militias from Syria is a supreme Arab interest and an Arab national security issue.

The Fatemiyoun, Zainabiyoun, Loyalists, and Hezbollah are all mercenaries in the hands of a fascist sectarian regime that works from Tehran to spread chaos, sedition, and wars, so that it can control the destinies and capabilities of our Arab peoples.

How can an Iranian, Afghan, or Pakistani who occupies the capitals of Arab civilization in Syria be viewed as fighting terrorism in Syria, and then the people of Syrian cities who have returned to their homes be viewed as terrorists?!

A little bit of common sense and morals.

We must stop repeating this accusation that anyone can throw at anyone for political purposes, which has nothing to do with terrorism or fighting terrorism.

The Syrian Arab is closer to his Arab brother than the sectarians whom Tehran gathered from different places to be its hand with which it occupies Syria and other Arab countries.

The Arabs' interest is in a Syria free of the Iranian invasion militias that displaced, killed and displaced millions of Syrian brothers.

(From the author's page)

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