
Two young men were shot dead by a citizen in Wadi Hadramaut.

Locals| 19 March, 2025 - 12:58 PM

Hadhramaut: Yemen Youth Net


A fifty-year-old citizen killed two young men following previous disputes between them in the Amd district of Hadhramaut Valley (eastern Yemen).

The Ministry of Interior's Security Media said that the police in the Amd District of Hadhramaut Valley arrested the suspect (A. M. A. B.), 55 years old, on charges of killing two people.

She added that the accused shot the two young men (A.M.A.B.), 20 years old, and (M.M.A.B.), 18 years old, and killed them at the crime scene.

The district police stated that security services have begun investigations to uncover the circumstances of the incident and take the necessary legal action against the perpetrator.

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