
UNMHA: 6 civilians killed and injured by mines and war remnants explosion in Hodeidah last February

Locals| 11 March, 2025 - 8:50 AM

Hodeidah: Yemen Youth Net


The United Nations Mission to Monitor the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA) said that it recorded the killing and wounding of 6 people, including children, due to the explosion of mines and war remnants, during the month of February in the Hodeidah Governorate in western Yemen.

The UN mission stated in its monthly report that it recorded three incidents of mine and war remnants explosions in Al Hudaydah Governorate during the month of February.

She explained that these incidents resulted in the death of a girl, a child and a man, and the injury of two men and a child in several directorates in Al Hudaydah Governorate.

She pointed out that these incidents occurred in the directorates of Al-Hali, Bayt Al-Faqih and Al-Khokha.

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