
Al-Arada confirms that the Imamate in its new guise will not withstand the will of the Yemenis.. and Bin Mubarak: There is no room for inaction or retreat from the goal of ending the coup

Political| 26 September, 2024 - 8:07 PM

Marib: Yemen Youth Net


For his part, the Prime Minister said in his speech, "It is a great honor to join you in this proud and steadfast province in celebrating a dear and precious occasion for all Yemenis, which is the sixty-second anniversary of the glorious September 26 Revolution, which has become a great symbol of renewing the struggle and fight against the tyrannical Imamate priesthood that unfortunately reappeared in a treacherous coup in 2014 and began to establish the idea of racist extremism in the areas that are still under its control."

Bin Mubarak stressed that the September 26 revolution is still ongoing and will continue as long as the hateful priestly ideology remains, until our entire national territory is cleansed of the terrorist Houthi militia that has been hostile to our people and caused a decline in their development process and hindered the achievement of their goals and aspirations towards a future befitting our homeland and country, known for its cultural depth, antiquity, openness, and adherence to its freedom and dignity.

He paid tribute to the armed forces and security forces that made the greatest sacrifices and accomplished the most wonderful heroics in battles of honor and heroism, and to the men of the national army and the heroic popular resistance in all fields of honor and heroism. He stressed the government's commitment to stand by the army, support it and provide all its needs.

He also saluted the wounded heroes and the families of the martyrs, saying, "We affirm that we will reciprocate loyalty with loyalty and will place the needs of the wounded and the families of the martyrs in front of our eyes." He added, "I cannot miss saluting the authentic Yemeni tribes who sacrificed their most precious possessions to defend the republic, its values and principles, and I also salute the civil society organizations and all the sons of the nation who stand as an impregnable barrier against the Houthi priestly project."

Dr. Bin Mubarak stressed that the dark coup militia and those behind it will not be able to defeat this people who are still burning with the flame of struggle and the torch of revolutions and rejection of injustice, tyranny and sectarian projects under any cover or justification.

He pointed out that there is no room for laziness or retreat from our goal and purpose of completing the restoration of the state and ending the coup, with fraternal support and backing from our brothers in the coalition to support legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The battle is no longer the battle of the Yemenis alone, but rather it is a fateful and existential battle for the Arabs and the world as well after the terrorist attacks targeting international navigation and commercial ships.

He said, "I have pledged to our people since I was assigned to head the government to work, through field visits to the liberated governorates, to identify the needs of the citizens, alleviate their suffering, and help the local authorities solve the problems they face in these exceptional and difficult circumstances in the history of Yemen."

The Prime Minister pledged to work to overcome the major challenges and difficult tasks with the Houthi terrorist militia targeting oil export facilities, stressing that the government will not evade its responsibilities and duties under any pretext. We accepted the mission, fully aware of its magnitude and enormity, and we will not accept any alternative to success, God willing.

He pointed to the integrated responsibility of the state, government and citizens. He said, "There is no progress without work.. and no success without mastery.. and if all our efforts do not come together.. state, government and people now.. then when will that happen? The future of the nation and the future of our children cannot tolerate more risk.. we all realize that the challenges are enormous.. but we must believe that success is not impossible either.. rather I see it as a realistic and achievable goal."

The Prime Minister addressed the massacres, arrogance and haughtiness of the Israeli entity against the defenceless Palestinian people, and the most blatant and brutal aggression that violates human values, international conventions and norms in the occupied Palestinian territories.

He expressed his regret that all this is happening in full view of the entire world and that the Zionist entity is continuing its challenge to international law and human rights, which should not be ignored, renewing Yemen's strong condemnation of this Zionist arrogance, which will push the region towards more violence, chaos and instability.

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