
President Al-Alimi renews his commitment to overthrowing the Houthi coup as the root of crises in Yemen

Political| 1 March, 2025 - 9:19 AM

Yemen Youth Net


The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, renewed his commitment to overthrowing the terrorist Houthi militia coup, considering it the root of the crises that the country has been witnessing for ten years, stressing his confidence in the elimination of the racist Houthi project.

Al-Alimi stressed in a speech on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, the text of which was published by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that the Presidential Leadership Council and the government will not back down from their commitments to the national battle to restore state institutions and overthrow the coup, considering it the root of the crisis and its creator.

Al-Alimi expressed his confidence in ending the Houthi project, saying: “Today we are more certain that victory is coming, and that this racist project will disappear, which requires us all to prepare for what may be more difficult and more severe in confronting the potential repercussions of the crisis of the terrorist militias and their supporters in the Iranian regime.”

Al-Alimi said: “This holy month comes upon us, and our people are still suffering from the repercussions of an unjust war imposed by terrorist coup militias with the support of the Iranian regime, using all means of intimidation and sabotage to destroy livelihoods and obstruct any opportunity on the part of the government, the regional and international community to alleviate the painful human suffering.”

He added that he and the members of the Presidential Leadership Council "are fully aware of the enormity of the effects of the economic and service crisis, and the growing pain expressed in your peaceful activities, your free voices, and the groans of mothers and children in every inch of our beloved homeland."

He explained that the terrorist militia was betting on destroying the oil facilities and stopping them from exporting, on a complete collapse of the situation within a few days, after the state lost more than 60 percent of its public resources, and its main source for feeding its foreign exchange reserves.

He added: "However, that terrorist plan, despite the financial crisis it caused, failed thanks to your patience, awareness, and the support of our brothers and friends. Today, we are more steadfast after about two and a half years of those criminal attacks, and we remain committed to the covenant and promise to transform crises into opportunities for complete victory, with God's help."

Al-Alimi stressed that his government will spare no effort to alleviate the suffering of citizens and work to provide the most important requirements and basic services.

In this holy month, Al-Alimi renewed his reminder to citizens in areas that are suffering under the control of terrorist militias, that the government has made every effort and made all possible concessions to improve their conditions and resume paying their salaries.

He added, "But this group wants nothing for the Yemeni people but poverty, oppression, and humiliation," reiterating the emphasis on standing by the citizens in the areas forcibly subject to the terrorist militias, and supporting their will and dreams that this shackles should be broken.

By the way, Al-Alimi said that he directed the concerned authorities to immediately release prisoners who have served three-quarters or half of their sentence, and to consider releasing on commercial guarantee those imprisoned on private rights, with the formation of committees in the governorates from the prosecution offices, local authorities and chambers of commerce to help the insolvent.

Text of the speech:

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, who said in His Noble Book: “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.” And prayers and peace be upon the most truthful of His Messengers.

Dear fellow citizens, dear sister citizens, at home and abroad,

On behalf of myself, my brothers, the members of the Presidential Leadership Council, and the government, I congratulate you all on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, the month of mercy, forgiveness, and freedom from Hellfire... the month that God made a mercy for His servants, and an opportunity for piety, solidarity, and cooperation.

This is a special congratulation to the heroes of the armed forces, security, the popular resistance, and all military formations stationed on the front lines, in the fields of honor and dignity, and to those on duty in various public service facilities during the holy month, which we ask God Almighty to make a month of goodness and blessings, and to return it to us with all the aspirations of our people for victory, the restoration of their state institutions, their security, and their stability having been achieved.

It is also an opportunity to renew, on every occasion, our thanks to all national components, our brothers in the Coalition to Support Legitimacy led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and the awareness platforms at home and abroad, who all had the greatest impact in strengthening this legendary steadfastness.

Dear brothers and sisters, citizens,

This great month has been singled out by God for great virtues, and made a field for acts of obedience and drawing closer to Him, the Almighty, and a path to forgiveness of sins and raising of ranks. So blessed is he who exploits it to please Him, the Almighty, with good deeds and righteous actions.

The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon] among you shall fast it. And whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [He intends] for you to complete the number and to glorify Allah. For that which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.”

The month of Ramadan is not just a period of abstaining from food, drink, and pleasures. Rather, it is a school of faith in which the Muslim is raised on patience and piety, and in which he grows closer to God Almighty through fasting, standing in prayer, reading the Qur’an, and doing good to the poor and needy.

It is a great opportunity to renew the covenant with God, and to revive our noble Islamic values that call for solidarity, compassion and brotherhood among members of society.

Dear sisters and free brothers everywhere,

This holy month comes upon us, and our people are still suffering from the repercussions of an unjust war imposed by terrorist coup militias with the support of the Iranian regime, using all means of intimidation and sabotage to destroy livelihoods and obstruct any opportunity on the part of the government, the regional and international community to alleviate the painful human suffering.

My brothers and I, members of the Presidential Leadership Council, are fully aware of the enormity of the effects of the economic and service crisis, and the growing pain expressed in your peaceful activities, your free voices, and the groans of mothers and children in every inch of our beloved homeland.

The terrorist militias were betting on destroying the oil facilities and stopping them from exporting, on a complete collapse of the situation within a few days, after the state lost more than 60 percent of its public resources, and its main source for feeding its foreign exchange reserves.

But that terrorist plan, despite the financial crisis it caused, failed thanks to your patience, awareness, and the support of our brothers and friends. Today, we are more steadfast after about two and a half years of those criminal attacks, and we remain committed to the covenant and promise to transform crises into opportunities for complete victory, with God’s help.

I know that this is not the right time to talk about more promises, because the priority now is bread, water, medicine, and vital services, which is what we are working on today, and we will spare no effort to alleviate the suffering, without backtracking on the commitments of the national battle to restore state institutions and overthrow the coup as the root of the crisis and its creator.

Today, we are more certain that victory is coming, and that this racist project will disappear, which requires us all to prepare for what may be more difficult and more severe in confronting the potential repercussions of the crisis of the terrorist militias and their supporters in the Iranian regime.

Dear citizens,

We are confident that the lean years of war have revealed to you the plans of the terrorist militias to keep our country out of the tremendous development witnessed by the world around us.

The challenges facing our country are not limited to the repercussions of the brutal coup at home, but have extended to attempts to make Yemen an arena for blackmailing the international community, by threatening the waterways in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, within the exposed Iranian agenda to destabilize the security and stability of the region, and liquidate its just causes.

Therefore, the economic crisis and the increasing threats to maritime security have been at the heart of our consultations with allies, friends, and all regional and international actors.

We are not begging for military support as some believe, but rather to stop Iranian harm to our country, because our faith in our cause, our confidence in the determination of our people, and the courage of our army are limitless in creating the bright future that you deserve.

These fruitful diplomatic contacts, which I and my brothers, the members of the Presidential Leadership Council, are leading, are an integral part of the joint defense policy, in the face of a common regional enemy, and in protecting common interests.

Therefore, we have stressed that this partnership must begin in accordance with international obligations, by supporting the capabilities of the government, a member of the United Nations, to protect its territory and prevent it from being transformed into a platform that threatens international peace and security.

On the national level, we have responded to the invitation of my brother, His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, to attend the upcoming extraordinary Arab summit in Cairo in a few days, in confirmation of our people’s firm position alongside the Palestinian people, and the rejection of all projects aimed at displacing them and liquidating their just cause, which we will continue to defend with all sincerity, and the right of its struggling people to establish their independent state with full sovereignty.

O free Yemenis everywhere, in this holy month we renew our reminder to our people in the areas that are suffering under the rule of terrorist militias, that we have made every effort and made every possible concession to improve your conditions and resume paying your salaries, but this group wants nothing for the Yemeni people but poverty, oppression and humiliation.

This war imposed on you by the militias, these taxes that drain you, and the crimes and arrests they commit against you, are only a small part of their broader project, based on slavery, racism, tyranny, and setting Yemen back centuries.

Therefore, one of the decisive approaches to ending this chaos, which confiscates your dreams and the future of your children, is based on stopping the supply of money, men and weapons to the militias’ war effort, and adhering to the principles of truth, justice, freedom and equal citizenship.

Perhaps you are witnessing the broad social movement in the liberated provinces, as an indicator of life and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution and the law, and not an expression of chaos as the militia platforms try to portray.. and that we are not here to burden you beyond your capacity under the pressure of brutal force, but rather to confirm standing by your side, supporting your will, and your dreams that this shackle is time to be broken.

Sisters, fellow citizens,

This blessed month teaches us patience in times of hardship, fairness, speaking the truth, and guarding our tongues and pens from spreading rumors and misleading, and not using the blessing of technology and social media to incite and promote division and discord, but rather employing them in what benefits people and renewing hope for a better future in which their aspirations for ending the nightmare of the Imamate are fulfilled, and restoring security, stability, and peace are restored, God willing.

In these blessed days and nights, we call on everyone, especially the benefactors of businessmen and the private sector, to uphold the values of compassion, help the distressed, and double their humanitarian interventions for affected families, as a nation that unites in goodness and solidarity will never be defeated.

On this great religious occasion, we have directed the relevant authorities to immediately release prisoners who have served three-quarters or half of their sentences, and to consider releasing on commercial guarantee those imprisoned on private rights, with the formation of committees in the governorates from the public prosecution offices, local authorities and chambers of commerce to assist the insolvent.

Oh great Yemeni people,

We believe that no matter how long the night is, dawn is coming, and that Yemen will rise despite all the hardships.

We ask God Almighty on this blessed night to help us seize the days and nights of Ramadan by obeying Him well, and to grant us continued success and guidance. We also ask Him Almighty to have mercy on the martyrs, heal the wounded, and grant freedom to the detainees, and to protect our country and our people, and all other peoples and countries from all harm and evil. May God accept our fasting and prayers from us all. He is the All-Hearing, All-Answering.

Ramadan Kareem.. and may you have a great year

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.

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