
Taiz: The Popular Resistance in Al-Mokha District declares its readiness to complete the liberation and restore the state.

Political| 28 March, 2025 - 10:02 PM

Mocha: Yemen Youth Net - Exclusive


The Popular Resistance Council in the Mokha district, west of Taiz, declared its readiness to participate in the battle to complete the liberation of Yemen and end the Houthi militia coup.

This came during a massive public event organized by the district council under the auspices and supervision of the Supreme Council of the Popular Resistance. Thousands of popular resistance fighters, tribal leaders, and dignitaries attended the event, affirming their readiness to wage the decisive battle to end the Houthi coup and restore state institutions.

At the event, Haitham Qaid, head of the Popular Resistance Council in Mocha, said, "The choice is one of resistance for the Yemeni people against the Houthi coup militia, and the men of the Popular Resistance are fully prepared and ready to participate in the battle to end the Houthi coup."

The commander affirmed that the popular resistance was and will remain the protective shield of Yemen and the Republic, and the solid support for our national army, which is waging the battle of dignity in defense of land, people, and identity.

Resistance leader Majid Ahmed also delivered a speech on behalf of the Supreme Council of the Popular Resistance, conveying the greetings of the Council's Chairman, Sheikh Hamoud Saeed Al-Mikhlafi, to the participants, emphasizing the need to unify ranks in the battle for liberation.

The Council's speech called on the Yemeni people, in all their categories, to be ready and prepared to respond to the nation's call to complete the liberation and rid Yemen of the hateful priesthood that has destroyed Yemen and deprived it of its pioneering and historical role.

The event featured slogans for Gaza and condemnation of the genocide being perpetrated against its people by the Israeli occupation forces.

At the conclusion of the mass event, thousands of heroes from the popular resistance and the popular base chanted in unison, renewing their pledge to continue the national struggle until victory is achieved, and affirming their commitment to the path of the popular resistance until the liberation of Yemen is complete.

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