
Ibb.. Dozens of families affected by torrential rains in Jablah District

Locals| 17 August, 2024 - 9:45 AM

Ibb: Yemen Youth Net - Special


Local sources reported that dozens of families were affected by the torrential rains that hit Jablah District in the past few days.

The sources told "Yemeni Youth Net" that dozens of families living in tents on the banks of "Jablah Stream", southwest of Ibb, were damaged by heavy rains and the resulting floods, amidst the complete absence of the militia authorities and the concerned organizations.

The sources explained that the rain flooded a number of tents and swept away others, including furniture and food supplies.

Victims complained about the absence of the Houthi militia authorities and the concerned organizations, indicating that dozens of them have become victims.

These tents belong to black citizens who are called “marginalized,” and whose tragedies are repeated annually during the rainy season as a result of their residence in plastic tents that they often set up on the sides of flood channels.


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