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The Vice President of the National Association of Martyrs’ Families reveals to “Yemen Shabab Net” the Association’s work in caring for the families of martyrs and its role in supporting the official authorities.
Dialogues| 20 December, 2023 - 12:20 PM
Marib - Yemen Shabab.net (Exclusive) / Dialogue: Jabr Sabr

The Vice President of the National Association of Martyrs' Families, Dr. Nasser Al-Khudri, revealed in an exclusive interview with "Yemen Shabab Net" the nature of the Association's work, the roles it plays in caring for the rights of martyrs and their families, and the projects that have been completed in this regard.
Al-Khudri stressed that the Association is a civil and human rights body that works as a link between the families of the martyrs and official bodies and a channel of cooperation with civil and human rights organizations, noting that “the Association is a concern and aspirations translated from the suffering and reality of the families of the martyrs and those who sacrificed and gave their most precious possessions.”
He pointed out that the number of martyrs documented by the Association since the start of the war to restore the state with the Houthi militia amounted to about 38,000 martyrs on all combat fronts.
The Vice President of the Association urged the official, charitable and civil bodies to fulfill the sacrifices of the martyrs and work to care for their families. He also spoke about the administrative body’s efforts to solve many of the problems of the rights of the martyrs and to stand by their families, in addition to a number of issues related to the martyrs.
We leave you with the details of this dialogue:
Definition of the association
First, if we talk about the National Association of Families of Martyrs?
- The Association is primarily a civil human rights body that was officially established in the first quarter of the year 2018 AD. It is a concern and aspirations translated from the suffering and the reality of what the families of the martyrs are suffering from and those who sacrificed and gave their most valuable possessions. If there is no framework that preserves and safeguards the rights of these martyrs, then these rights It will be lost in the events and conflicts. Through the suffering that the children and families of the martyrs went through, the idea of establishing a human rights association that brings together the families of the martyrs and provides a platform for them to express these concerns came. Through this channel, work is done to solve the problems of the martyrs’ families and to follow up on the rights of their martyr with the competent authorities, and through cooperation. With human rights organizations and civil society organizations.
Does the association work in the rest of the liberated governorates, or is its work limited to Marib only?
- The Association has a main headquarters in the city of Ma’rib, given that most of the families of the martyrs from the various governorates of the Republic live in Ma’rib Governorate. The main office here represents the link between us and the families of the martyrs, and we also have existing branches in some liberated governorates such as (Taiz, Shabwa, and Al-Hudaydah) governorates. ), as well as coordinators for the association in the rest of the governorates of the Republic.
Coordination with the official side
What are the aspects of the relationship between the association and official bodies?
- The association, as I mentioned above, works as a link. When people come to us or contact us and raise their problems and the suffering of their families, we in turn take those problems and concerns and communicate with various government agencies such as the Ministries of Defense and Interior, the Chief of the General Staff, and the local authority in the governorate to work on solving these problems.
To what extent does coordination reach between you and government agencies (the Social Welfare Department) and others?
- The Association has been in continuous coordination with the Welfare Department since its founding, and the Association has adopted the Hajj project for the families of the martyrs, the first and second batches, in coordination with the Welfare Department. The new body of the League, in its first field work, visited the Welfare Department for the purpose of cooperating in creating a comprehensive, updated, and unified database for the families of the martyrs, as well. We have communication with the Chief of the General Staff to solve any problem related to the rights of the martyrs. The brother, the Chief of the General Staff, attaches the utmost importance to caring for the families of the martyrs, and supports the Association in its efforts. We hope to support its activities further, as the Association is a supportive and complementary body to official efforts.
Your work is almost similar to the work of the Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Defense. Do you see the difference between them?
- The difference between the Association and Welfare is that the Association is a civil party and Welfare is a government body, and we work as a supporter and supporter of the Welfare Department in seeking to solve the problems of the families of the martyrs.
Rights of martyrs
What are the most prominent projects that the association presented to the martyrs?
The Association presented a group of projects that guarantee the rights of martyrs, such as the Martyr’s Law, which the Association seeks to pressure the government and the presidency to adopt and approve by the House of Representatives, in addition to a group of service studies in the health, educational and social fields.
If we knew more about the martyr law that you are working to officially approve?
- The law guarantees the legal, moral, moral and material rights of the martyrs of the Republic of Yemen, and embodies their precious sacrifices through entitlement to financial and administrative settlements and promotions for the martyr, as well as in aspects of health, educational and social services for the martyr’s dependents who are first-degree relatives.
Do you have statistics on the number of martyrs since the start of the war?
Since the beginning of its work, the Association has worked to count the numbers of martyrs who rose while confronting the terrorist Houthi militia in the battles to restore the state and end the coup. The preliminary information we have obtained indicates that the total number of martyrs reaches about 38 thousand martyrs.
There are many martyrs who have not been promoted and settled financially, and their ranks are still soldiers. What did you do to them in this regard?
- Regarding the approval of the salary, firstly, this is an issue related to the official aspect in terms of approving the individual’s rank in the human and financial forces, and all levels of leadership in the units or regions work to promote the martyred soldier, but the financial restrictions and the financial ceiling specified for the units are what prevents justice for the martyrs and their promotion to a higher rank. This part is currently the main reason for the failure to issue a settlement decision, and the Association seeks for all martyred soldiers to be equal in rank as a minimum, which is promotion to lieutenant 2.
What about the problems related to honoring martyrs?
There was a problem in disbursing gratuities for martyrs in Taiz during the last period, for about a quarter of the cases due to the expiration of the period specified for disbursement. When the complaints arrived, the Association Authority visited the General Director of Inmaa Company, who was responsible for disbursing the gratuities, and after deliberations, an agreement was reached with them on a smooth disbursement mechanism to complete and address the remaining cases. In coordination with the Martyrs Division in the Taiz axis, it was fully disbursed.
Achievements and plans
What are the most notable achievements that the Association has achieved for the benefit of the martyrs since its establishment five years ago?
The Association has achieved a number of achievements, all of which are in the interest of the martyrs and their families. In terms of the legal aspect, we worked on the legal drafting of the Martyr’s Law, raising it to the highest level in the government, and following up on its approval, while preparing a project of research and studies for public and higher education, and scholarships in colleges, applied institutes, and universities. Likewise, military colleges allocate free seats for the children of martyrs.
As for the health aspect, the Association worked in coordination with the local authority and the Public Health Office in Ma’rib Governorate to issue health insurance cards for the families of first-degree martyrs for treatment in government hospitals for nominal fees, and some private hospitals with varying discounts. In the past period, we have reached the issuance of more than (3,800) ) Health insurance card.
On the educational side, the Association worked in coordination with the University of Sheba Province to allocate seats for the children of martyrs in various colleges, and in military colleges such as (aviation and air defence), the absorption rate and priority for the children of martyrs was higher, in addition to granting grants to private and private schools. Here, the Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Ali Al-Abab, issued a directive to private schools to specify 5% as free seats for the families of the martyrs.
Currently, the Association is working in partnership with the Welfare Department to establish an educational complex that embraces the children of martyrs.
Do you have investment and development projects that benefit the families of the martyrs?
- We have experience in the association’s branch in Taiz, where Al-Raita sought to establish a residential city for the children of martyrs, with funding from our brothers in the State of Kuwait, and within the city’s facilities is a rehabilitation training center for the families of the martyrs in various skills and crafts that give the individual the skill and give him the basics to compete in the labor market.
In Marib, the Association worked with some organizations in the aspect of economic empowerment for the wives of martyrs in the field of handicrafts such as sewing, embroidery, hairdressing, etc. This is an initial experience that we hope to develop and expand.
Messages you would like to send at the end of this meeting?
- We say, as our role model, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (It is enough sin for a person to lose those he supports.) What the martyrs left and what they left behind is entrusted to us, whether they are government agencies, the local community with all its segments, or charitable organizations. We do not betray the blood of the martyrs, nor waste their rights or neglect them. Their families and relatives. Rather, we all strive to complement each other towards the families of the martyrs, and to be for them in the position of those who preceded them to God.
Finally, through you, we salute every mother of a martyr and the father of a martyr who gave birth to a hero, and every wife of a martyr who is patient and accountable, and salutes to the sons, daughters and brothers of martyrs who are steadfast and struggling in the path of their free fathers and brothers who went on the path of pride and dignity and for the sake of strengthening and restoring the values of the revolution and the republic, and blocking the path to the dark project. Priestly, we give them good news that the dawn of victory is near.
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